Thursday, December 8, 2011

Adopt A Grandparent

If you are reading this it means that I believe that you are a giving person and might like to participate in what I am doing for Christmas. I am running a program called "Adopt a Grandparent". My goal is to donate at least 200 mugs of Mary Kay’s "Cocoa & Cream" to a local Nursing Home here in the Chattanooga area this Christmas. I will purchase a Christmas mug and in it I will put a MK Mint Bliss Foot Cream, Hot Cocoa Mix, and a peppermint stick. I will be wrapping them beautifully & writing them each a hand written note from YOU! For some of the residents, this small gesture may be the ONLY Christmas gift they receive. You can participate by donating $15 per gift... You can send a check to me or I also take credit & debit cards. If you have questions, would like to participate, or KNOW someone that can participate, please email me. If you are a business owner or know a business owner, it is a GREAT way to give back into the community as well as spread the word about your business. I need to get everything ordered on the 15th so I can get it here & put together before Christmas. If you would be a sponsor, I would greatly appreciate it and PLEASE pass this on to your friends and family!

*If you are not local to me and want to do something for a nursing home that is local to you, please let me know. If you are local to me and would like to go with me to distribute the gifts, you are more than welcome to!*

Thank you, IN ADVANCE and God Bless your giving hearts!!