Thursday, May 27, 2010

MckMama and String Of Pearls

Hello to all you fellow MckMama readers!! Each of you will get a FREE gift for participating today and ONE person will receive additional FREE products!! Stick with me, this is going to be good! I am SO excited to share with you what we are doing today!! First, I will introduce myself so you know a little bit about me and what I do. I am 32 (almost 33!) and I'm a stay at home mom to 4 boys! About 7 months ago I was presented with the opportunity to start my own business with Mary Kay Inc. I was VERY skeptical and I told God that if this was something that He wanted me to do, He would have to give me a VERY BIG sign. (Don't you love how WE tell GOD what to do?!) Anyway, I asked my husband to pray about it and we did for 2 weeks. One morning on my way home, I prayed again and I said, "Ok God, I need to make a decision. So if this is You, I need that sign. Like, sky write it in the sky sign." I pulled into my driveway right as I said that and looked in my rear view mirror to see a brand new Mary Kay PINK CADILLAC parked right across from me. Ummm.....Ok. That is a pretty clear sign, especially since I have never seen it since that day. So, I called my hubby and he said, "Go for it."

That brings me to now and why YOU are here. I decided when I started this business that I wanted it to be about more than just making money for my family, I wanted to help others.
Today we are raising money for String Of Pearls which I'm sure all of you have heard of before through MckMama's blog. If you haven't, please visit their website to learn more about who they are and what they do. It's FANTASTIC and I really want to bless them today. Actually, I want to completely BLOW them away with our donation. I will be updating MckMama throughout the day on where we are with our sales. Here is how it works:

ALL day today we need YOUR help. I will donate 20% out of the total net sales to String Of Pearls. Place your order on my website using the secure online payment option. I take all debit AND credit cards and it is completely secure. I am offering free shipping on all orders $100 or more. Today only, for orders less than $100 I will charge ONLY $5 in shipping. (Shipping and tax is added when I process your order.) Please put MckMama in the comments section of your order.

In return for your support, I will include a special gift with each order. AND… when we reach $2500 in sales ONE blessed customer will get their order FREE! If you place an order of at least $40 with me, your name will be entered into the drawing. For every $10 spent AFTER that, you will have your name entered an additional time. For example: $50 in product would enter your name 2 times, $100 would enter you 7 times and so on. When we reach our goal, I will draw the winning name and that person will receive their order FREE!

We have some FANTASTIC products. You will at some point need or want SOMETHING that we have and why not have your purchase of those products HELP OTHERS?!! We have men's products too.....FATHER'S DAY!!! I have a lot of customers who purchase for people as gifts. Birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, etc. I even work with brides! If you would like to know more about our products or our company, email me and I'm glad to share with you or help you in any way I can.

Check carefully for our newest offerings. If you are local to me, I would be happy to spend some time with you one-on-one or share an hour with you and two or three friends to select a new look for you or try some GREAT skin care.

I am SO EXCITED about this and I want ALL of you to jump on board! There IS a product that I have that you will me! Please feel free to pass this offer on to your friends and family to help us REALLY make a difference today!! After you place your order, you can leave a comment here about your order and follow my blog to receive extra entries towards the FREE order!!! I will tweet to update MckMama on our progress throughout the day so she can stay in the loop. Alright everyone, LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

She's Alive!

Oh. My. Goodness. Has it been FOREVER since I have been on here,or what?! I have been building my business like crazy to accomplish some HUGE goals in a very short amount of time. I don't know how all of you are, but I like to get things done as quickly as I can! I have always been like that, if there is a way to make something go faster....I will find it! Ha ha. I am so glad to be posting again and so glad to share with all of you some great things that have been going on with me. So, sit back and get comfortable!

Since I last shared with you I've been working very diligently to grow my business to not only benefit my family and I, but others as well. I truly believe that you should give back and help others, no matter what that looks like for you. When I started this business, I very much wanted it to be a vehicle that I could use to accomplish some big dreams that God placed in my heart many years ago. And it is so wonderful to be able to say that it is ACTUALLY happening. And I can SEE it now. It is such a wonderful feeling!!

I have been working with several ministries local to me to help grow different parts of their programs and I have to say that I LOVE it! I love building relationships in my business, teaching women about how to take care of their skin, and help to make them feel better about themselves in the process. And to do all of this and be able to help different ministries and charities?! Somebody pinch me!!

I am so excited to see what all God is going to do through all of this. Do I get to sit back and do nothing while He does all the work? Nope. Do I work really hard? Yep. Is it totally worth it? OH YES IT IS. It is more worth it than I could have ever imagined.....and then some. Everything that I have been through in the past few months have been, literally, some of the BEST times in my life. I am so grateful for where I am and the experiences that I am going through. I am truly humbled and quite grateful.

What's next you say? Well, I'm glad you asked! I will be moving into leadership VERY soon with Mary Kay. I will be greatly expanding my involvement with different organizations. And I could not be more THRILLED. And.....VERY soon, I will be doing a fundraiser for whatever charity a certain someone chooses. Who, you ask? Well it is someone that a lot of you probably know and love. Someone who I know and love and am so glad to be doing this for. I am SO excited to be raising money for a charity of her choice. Her you say? Her who? Ha! I will keep you in suspense for now. ;)

I'm glad to be back and so glad to be sharing with all of you again! I look forward to the future and all that it holds. You WILL here from again SOON!